Which Colors Show Sweat the Least? 5 Good Options to Consider

September 11, 2022 4 min read

what colors show sweat the least

If you are a heavy sweater, it's natural to want to seek out ways to reduce the appearance of excessive sweating. Maybe you haven’t found the right clinical strength antiperspirant, or maybe your excessive sweating is situational.

Luckily, there are ways that you can dress to help hide your sweat marks. One method is to wear colors that hide sweat and avoid colors that may draw attention to it. Keep reading to learn what colors show sweat the least and other wardrobe tips that hide help your sweat.

This article was originally published in October 2020, and revised in September 2022.

Colors That Hide Sweat

While not many things can completely conceal a sweat mark, there are certain colors that do a better job of hiding it. In this article, we look at the most notable colors that hide sweat, along with any of their pros and cons.

Let’s face it, not everyone experiences heavy perspiration in the same places. Some people suffer from underarm sweat, while others experience butt sweat. Our suggestions work well for anyone who has experienced sweat marks on their clothing.

what colors to wear if you sweat a lot


Let’s face it, black is the go-to for many sharp-dressed men. Coincidentally, it is also one of the best colors that cover sweat. This is due to the fact that it’s already the darkest color around. When fabric gets wet, it typically gets darker. Following this logic, when black clothing gets wet from sweat, it won’t get much darker.

  • PROS: Pretty much every other color goes with black, so making wardrobe choices is relatively easy.
  • CONS: Black clothing will fade over time. As it fades, it may lose some of its sweat-hiding magic.


On the opposite side of black on the color spectrum is white. White, pure white, is another color that works well to conceal sweat. There’s no dye or hint of color that may turn darker when it encounters a sweat mark.

  • PROS: Like black, white goes with almost any other color. This makes it getting dressed in the morning a lot easier.
  • CONS: White shirts, in particular, are prone to sweat and antiperspirant stains. (Want to learn how to get those stains out? We’ve collected some of the best laundry hacks to treat stubborn sweat stains.)


If you want to differentiate yourself from the crowds of gents wearing black, charcoal is another great choice when it comes to what colors show sweat the least. And when we suggest charcoal, we mean the deep, dark rich color that is *almost* black. It is important to remember that your goal is to select colors that won’t show the darkness of a wet spot.

  • PROS: It’s a nice alternative to black, yet it is just as versatile when pairing with other colors.
  • CONS: Like black, the richness of color may fade over time.
colors that hide sweat


When looking at what colors to wear if you sweat a lot, navy is another great option. It hides sweat marks for the same reason as black and charcoal. When shopping for navy-colored clothes, be sure to pick out the darkest navy you can find. This simply helps conceal the sweat marks even better.

  • PRO: It is a classic color that pairs nicely with much on the color wheel.
  • CONS: There are many hues of navy, so be extra careful when pairing with other navy clothing accessories.

Pale Pink

Believe it or not, pale pink is another one of the colors that hide sweat. A slightly tinted pink shirt may be just the break you need from traditional white. Seek out the lightest shade when shopping for dress shirts or casual polos.

  • PRO: It can be easily paired with black, charcoal or navy.
  • CON: Like white, it may show sweat or antiperspirant stains more prominently than darker colors.

Bonus Tips

Being selective with clothing colors is not the only way you can hide your sweat marks. Consider these tips to maintain your polished appearance:

  • Create a distraction, and embrace bold patterns. By wearing a bold pattern, like plaid, you simply distract onlookers from zeroing in on your sweat marks. As a rule of thumb, you'll probably still want to stick with patterns that contain one or more of the colors we've suggested.
  • Wear fabrics that work with you, instead of against you. All natural fabrics, like cotton and wool, are breathable by nature. This means the sweat doesn’t get trapped in your clothing. 
  • Invest in sweat proof undergarments to block sweat from reaching your clothing. By wearing an Ejis sweat proof undershirt or pair of sweat proof boxer briefs (buy from our shop or on Amazon), you have the freedom to wear whatever color you want. (We can’t tell you how many satisfied customers are elated about finally wearing khakis again!) All of our sweat proof undergarments feature an ultra thin waterproof barrier in the places you need it most, and anti-odor technology to keep you feeling fresh all day.

By simply reworking your wardrobe choices, you can still look sharp even when you’re sweating. Learning which colors show sweat the least is the first step.

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